Why Do Doctors Recommend Their Patients for MRI?

Our body is a combination of various working organs. They all work smoothly to maintain our overall health. When problems occur in the system, the body starts to behave strangely. Also, our body at first begins to mitigate the signs. As a result, you don’t notice the problem until it’s too late.

Thanks to advanced medical technology, nowadays, medical experts have explored various ways to detect problems in the beginning. MRI is one of them, which can identify the underlying cause of the problem. The earlier the patient learns about the complication, the quicker they get rid of it.

But how does MRI work and what things it discovers? We have answered all your questions in this article. Contact reliable and popular MRI facilities in Oklahoma City if you need an MRI.

What is an MRI?

MRI stands for Magnetic Resonance Imaging. This imaging method uses radio waves and magnets and takes a detailed picture of a particular area inside your body. Doctors recommend MRI to determine the problem and to observe whether the patient responds to the treatment. Remember that MRI does not use damaging ionizing radiation of X-rays while scanning.

What Types of Problems Do MRI Facilities Detect?

1. Brain Problems

When doctors suspect any problems in the spinal cord and brain, they generally recommend MRI. There is a particular type of MRI, including a functional MRI of the brain.

It scans and creates an image of the blood flow of a specific area in the brain. Imaging professionals can understand if any brain injury impacts the activities within the location. Mainly MRI can detect problems, including,

  • Brain injury from trauma

  • Brain tumors

  • Brain aneurysms

  • Strokes

  • Spinal cord disorders

  • Multiple sclerosis

2. Visit Popular MRI Facilities for Cardiovascular Problems

Also, healthcare specialists recommend MRI to examine the heart and detect if there are any signs of problems. It creates a detailed picture of your heart which doctors check to understand the function and sizes of several parts, especially the heart’s chambers and valves. MRI mainly diagnoses-

  • Coronary or peripheral artery disease

  • Arrhythmia

  • Congenital heart disease

  • Heart failure

  • Cerebrovascular disease

Always visit reliable MRI facilities to get appropriate imaging results in the right hands.

3. What about Skeletal Conditions?

MRI can also diagnose joints, cartilage, tendons, and bones. It examines the images and finds structural abnormalities in your skeleton. MRI can detect the following problems -

  • Bone marrow disease

  • Bone infections

  • Joint deterioration

  • Herniation of discs

  • Tumors of the bones

  • Osteonecrosis

How to Be Prepared for an MRI?

Getting proper education about MRI is the first step in preparation. Therefore, you can ask these questions to your doctors -

  1. Why should I go for an MRI?

  2. Are there any risks?

  3. Does MRI detect my condition correctly?

  4. How will the scan report affect my current treatment?

After doing that, you should consult with your doctor about your current health problems, including kidney or liver disease. If you already had surgery, let your doctor know that. If you are pregnant and have allergies to particular food or medicine, you should mention it to your healthcare specialist.

Request an Appointment

To get a quality detailed imagining test for your problems, visit Evolution Imaging. We also got awarded by ACR, which only some MRI facilities get that fulfill ACR Practice Parameters and Technical Standards.

Call us at 405.652.0445 to learn about MRI test prices for the knee, cervical spine, brain, shoulders, and other areas.